In a multidisciplinary regional hospital, doctors of the urological department performed laparoscopic surgery for the first time to restore the patency of the ureter. Patient B. is 74 years old. She was admitted urgently with complaints of an increase in body temperature, pain in the lumbar region on the right. The patient has been bothered by complaints for the last 2 months. After examination, a stricture of the n/3 ureter on the right with ureterohydronephrosis was revealed. The doctors of the department decided to carry out surgical treatment to preserve kidney function. Given the age of the patient, the method of surgical treatment should be less traumatic, for rapid recovery in the postoperative period. After evaluating all the services performed, the patient underwent a "Laparoscopic neoureterocystastomosis". The duration of the operation was 1.5 hours. The operation was successful. Previously, this type of operation was carried out by an open method, where a special postoperative