Clinical case of urology

On 08/20/2021, in the urological department of the multidisciplinary regional hospital of the city of Kyzylorda, the operation "Laparoscopic excision of the vesicovaginal fistula" was performed for the first

time, Patient T. was admitted as planned with complaints of urine excretion from the vagina outside the act of urination, the patient had to use up to 4-5 pads per day. After preoperative preparation. The doctors managed to perform the operation and save the patient from a complex pathology. Laparoscopic treatment is less traumatic than open surgery. The patient is in the ward and is preparing for discharge.

Doctor: Iskakov E.K.

Assistant: R.B. Zhoshkunov.

Anesthesiologist: Nurmysheva M.N.

Opera sister: Tagan M

Consult a doctor on time!

Also in the urological department of the MOB, such operations are performed as:

Endoscopic laser crushing of kidney stones, ureter and bladder.

Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (mini-perk. including)

Laparoscopic removal of kidney cysts

Laparoscopic nephrectomy (according to indications)

Reconstructive plastic surgery of the urinary system.